20th June 2024 | World Refugee Day ✊🛡️ | Digital Bud

“Refugees are not terrorists. They are often the first victims of terrorism.”

António Guterres (United Nations Secretary-General)

📦 What are some ways we can help support refugees in our local communities?

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World Refugee Day, 🕊️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 observed annually on June 20, is a global event dedicated to raising awareness about the plight of refugees and displaced persons worldwide. Established by the United Nations in 2000, this day honors the strength, courage, and resilience of millions of refugees who have been forced to flee their homes due to conflict, persecution, or natural disasters.

  1. Global Observance: Celebrated worldwide, this day features events ranging from educational workshops and film screenings to concerts and social media campaigns, all aimed at highlighting refugee issues and promoting solidarity.
  2. UNHCR Involvement: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) plays a crucial role in organizing and promoting World Refugee Day 🕊️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 activities, working to ensure the safety and rights of refugees globally.
  3. Theme: Each year, World Refugee Day 🕊️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 has a specific theme to focus on different aspects of the refugee experience. Themes have included issues like inclusion, hope, and standing with refugees.
  4. Global Statistics: As of recent data, there are over 82 million forcibly displaced people worldwide, including nearly 26 million refugees. The majority come from countries such as Syria, Afghanistan, and South Sudan.
  5. Public Awareness: This day is essential for raising public awareness and empathy towards refugees, highlighting their contributions to host communities and advocating for their rights to safety, education, and employment.
  6. Community Engagement: Local communities, NGOs, and governments often collaborate to host events, providing a platform for refugees to share their stories and for others to learn about the challenges they face.

By commemorating World Refugee Day, 🕊️👩‍👩‍👧‍👦 we acknowledge the hardships endured by refugees and reaffirm our commitment to supporting and protecting those who seek safety and a better future.

#WorldRefugeeDay #WithRefugees #RefugeeRights #GlobalSolidarity

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