Penny’s Dance: Ode to a Pet Fish | Poem | School of Thought

In a tank, a world serene,
Swims a fish, Penny, pristine.
Golden scales, a graceful glide,
In liquid realms, she takes her stride.

In waters clear, she holds her sway,
A tiny world where she holds the bay.
With fins that flutter, a gentle twirl,
Her underwater dance, a mesmerizing swirl.

In her eyes, a curious gleam,
Dreams that dance within her stream.
In every flip, a story told,
In every glide, mysteries unfold.

A silent companion, yet full of cheer,
Her presence soothes, erases fear.
With every bubble that breaks the calm,
Penny’s charm becomes a balm.

In this liquid universe, her home so dear,
Penny the fish, a treasure clear.
A silent poet in her own right,
A swimmer of grace in day or night.

So here’s to Penny, our aquatic friend,
In her watery world, may joy never end.
In her dance, a lesson to learn,
In her presence, a love to discern.

#PennyTheFish #AquaticGrace #FintasticFriend #SwimmingSymphony #PetFishChronicles #UnderwaterElegance #FishtankTales #GlimpseofAquaticWorld #SynchronizedSwimming #PennySpeaksInRipples #GracefulGills #PennyThePoet #AquaticWhispers #PetFishCharm #EtherealFins

Rat: A Feline Feast | Poem | School of Thought


In the shadows sleek and sly,
I, the feline with a twinkling eye,
Prowl the night, hunger in tow,
For a rat’s a feast that makes me glow.

Oh, the chase, the thrill, the fun,
With whiskers twitching, I’ll surely stun!
Rat, oh rat, scurry, don’t flee,
For your tasty essence calls to me.

Your scampering steps, a merry tune,
As I hunt beneath the shining moon.
In alleyways and corners dark,
Your squeaks ignite my feline spark.

Through nooks and crannies, I shall creep,
To claim my prize before I sleep.
With a pounce, I leap with glee,
For a rat, my friend, you satisfy me.

Though some may find this rather grim,
In the world of cats, it’s simply prim.
For in this tale, strange as it seems,
The rat is but a cat’s fondest dream.

A dance of predator and prey,
Yet love for rats in a curious way.
So here I sit, content and fat,
For a rat’s my joy, my muse, my spat.

#FelineFeast #RatLove #HungryCatChronicles #WhiskersAndRats #FurryPredator #PawsonProwl #ScurryAndChase #MeowMenu