Luck In Red: A Ladybug | Poem | School of Thought


In fields of green and skies so wide,
I flutter with my wings, tiny, dyed.
A ladybug am I, a speck of red,
With spots that dance, where petals tread.

I roam through blooms, a charming sprite,
In gardens lush, a joyful sight.
I sip on dew, a nectar sweet,
In whispered songs, my friends I greet.

In quiet corners, I find my rest,
A tiny world, where dreams invest.
Amidst the leaves, a hidden space,
I paint the world with a gentle grace.

A symbol of luck, a harbinger of light,
I navigate this world so bright.
Oh, ladybug am I, small and free,
A joyful spirit, for all to see!

#Nature’sPainter #TinyWonder #GardenGlimpses #WingedJoy #LuckInRed #FlutteringGrace #PetalsAndSpots #WhisperedSongs #CharmingSprites #SymbolOfJoy