Know Creative Writing and Technical Writing | Kutty Story | Digital Bud

In today’s article, let us understand the Uniqueness and Similarity of two predominant types of writing styles Creative Writing and Technical Writing. However, if we think that these are how the writing styles are been classified in the world now. Then it is wrong. We shall focus on Creative Writing and Technical Writing once we understand the broader classification of writing styles. 


A. Basis of Writing Styles:

Writing styles differ broadly into FOUR classifications based on the Reader or Viewer’s perspective and the Author or Writer’s perspective on Subject Matter, Content, and Delivery. We shall have a brief view to understand these writing styles as mentioned below:

1. Narration: 

As the name suggests Narrative means to explain or narrate an experience or a Storyline. The writer brings into narrating an event or a couple of events in order to create an experience for the reader amongst the Characters, Twist, storyline, Mood Setting, and Climax.

E.g. Movies, Fiction, Moral and short Stories, Travel, or Tour Experience, Biography, etc. 

2. Persuasion:

A persuasive writer influences the Selective set of readers with his/her viewpoint with logical information and emotional connection to accept the Author’s viewpoint. The writer shares his Supportive statement, Argument, Situation, Evidence, and Conclusion with a call for action for the reader.

E.g. Advertisement, Marketing Collaterals, Review Publications, Resume, Proposal, Business Mailers, etc.

3. Description: 

A descriptive writer focuses on one or two dominant themes or ideas that focus on Person, Place, Thing (Real or Imaginary), Picture, Image, Theme, Impression, etc. The writer uses various ways to describe in detail with a figure of speech (Simile and metaphor) to suit the purpose.

E.g. Fiction, Poem, Quotes, Verses, Personal Diary, etc.   

4. Exposition: 

The expository writer shares information presents figures, Compares, shares facts, and sometimes with non-familiar terms (Jargon’s, Technical Terms) to make the specific set of readers understand in comparison to something that he/she is familiar with without adding any Opinion or value. 

E.g. User Guide, Manual, Textbook (Without Opinions), Journals (Without Opinions), Magazines, Technical and Business Instruction, etc. 

B. Creative Writing and Technical Writing – Uniqueness and Similarity:

Now that we have a fair idea of these writing styles let us move to discuss further the Similarity and Uniqueness between Creative Writing and Technical Writing. Based on the Phase of Writing Techniques the Style of the Writing may differ or share a special focus on each of the styles of Writing.

I. Creative Writing: 

A style of writing that predominantly focuses on Imagination, Creativity, and Unique, and solves the purpose of the Reader in general. 

E.g. Script Writing, Biographies, Short Stories, Poetry, novels, Tales of Crime and Horror, etc. 

I. A. Writing Techniques used for Creative Writing:

  • Character and Characterization (Point of view, Storyline, Theme, etc.)
  • Scene & Plot (Flashback, Horror, Humor, Location, Stage Setting, etc.)
  • Dialogue, Script, and language (Imaginative, Humor, Anecdotes, etc.) 
  • Emotional appeal (Music, Song, BGM, etc.)
  • Heavy description (Twist, Devotional, Fighting Love, Climax, etc.)

II. Technical Writing: 

A style of writing that predominantly focuses on Instruction, Explanation, and Direction to solve the specific purpose of a reader in specific.

E.g. Agreements, Business Documents, Disclaimers, Reports, Manuals, Guides, etc.

II. A. Writing Techniques used for Technical Writing:

  • Instruction, Guidelines Focus
  • Logical and Sequential
  • Clarity of Words
  • Use of Words (Technical Terms, Specification, Quantity, Jargon, etc.)
  • Engagement (Instructional, Pattern, Do’s & Don’ts, etc.)

Understanding with a Sample: A Drama Performed on Stage  

Phases of Writing Techniques:

  1. Pre-Writing Phase:  

Creative Writing – Idea of the Writer and How this Idea Can Be Organised in a Sequential way. A Creative Writer focuses on the Story, Character, Background, and Audience viewpoints while at this stage. 

Technical Writing – Instruction that is required to operate and perform with the required Equipment, the Operational Procedure. An understanding of the requirement of all needs for the Drama to function.

  • Drafting Phase: 

Creative Writing – Puts things into pieces of all the Creative ingredients such as Song lyrics, Music, Imagination, Graphics inclusion, etc.

Technical Writing – Makes available the Instruction, Protocol, Operational Keys, Settings requirements and Adjustments needed, Lighting Instructions, Screen Background fall time setting, timing cue cards for backup dialogue, etc. 

  • Revising Phase:

Creative Writing – Focuses on the Sequence, Character, and Storyline that shall be in tandem as expected. If there are any additions and Improvements required are been noted and the same is been considered for implementation.

Technical Writing – Focuses on the Crew that is on the ground available for the performance with the knowledge of what to be done and guidance for the same is been shared at instruction. Any malfunction or issue to be resolved is also been considered and arranged for the same before in hand.

  • Editing Phase:

Creative Writing – A rehearsal of the drama is set to understand the Purpose, Clarity in Expression, and Liveliness in Execution. Once all these are set to have been Experienced and Visualized by the Audience then the objective of the creative writer is met, he/she has to fine-tune the required amendments to ensure that the Creativity and Purpose keep the Audience receiving the applause.  

Technical Writing – A rehearsal of the dram is set to understand the Purpose, Clarity in Instruction, and acquaintance with the Technology for execution. Once all this work is coordinated with the Drama on stage for the focused Crew-members to effective execution, else, he/she has to ensure changes in the Instruction or guidelines followed to receive applause.

  • Publishing Phase:

Creative Writing – Final stage a check before performance given to all the Scripts, Dialogue, Songs, Music, Characters, etc. Performance of the Stage Drama ensures that the Audience enjoys the show, relishes the experience, and Murmur the song, Talks about the character, Dialogue, etc.

Technical Writing – Final Stage a check given before the performance to all crew members who work behind the scenes for smooth flow without interruption to the stage performance. Talks about the crew members of Behind the Scene who kept toiling for the success of the show.   


By now, we were able to distinguish to a major extent the Similarities and Uniqueness of Creative Writing and Technical Writing. We have seen that both sets of Creative and Technical writing should have Purpose, Clarity, and Liveliness similar to engage the General or the Focused set of readers. Ultimately, we may need to practice and practice to hone the skills that can make us Creative Writing or Technical Writing that we aspire to become. 

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