Pulse of Life: Arteries and Veins Ballet | Poem | School of Thought

In the body’s intricate dance, arteries prance,
Life’s vibrant rhythm in every advance.
Veins weave a tapestry, channels of grace,
A symphony of circulation, life’s embrace.

Arteries, bold highways of crimson flow,
Carry the gift of life wherever they go.
Veins, gentle rivers returning the tide,
A journey of echoes, where destinies hide.

Together they waltz, an eternal pair,
A ballet of existence, beyond compare.
Pulsing with purpose, a dance so divine,
In every heartbeat, life’s grand design.

No bias in their union, no judgment they bear,
In every human, the same blood they share.
An example profound, of unity’s art,
In arteries and veins, life finds its heart.

#CrimsonCirculation, #LifeInRhythm, #VascularHarmony, #HeartbeatPoetry, #VeinsOfGrace, #ArteryDance,