Summer Wellness: Staying Healthy | Kutty Story | Digital Bud

Hai Readers,
Can you imagine that once you are walking on a sunny summer day in a bustling city, you suddenly hear a conversation like this? Three unlikely characters, Cough, Cold, and Throat Pain, are chatting in your head.

🤧 Cough: Hey there, Cold! You look a little under the weather today.

🥶 Cold: Yeah, I’ve been feeling a bit off lately. Must be this unpredictable summer weather.

😣 Throat Pain: Tell me about it! My throat has been feeling scratchy for days. I blame all those ice-cold drinks people are guzzling down in this heat.

🤧 Cough: Well, folks can’t resist those frosty beverages, especially when the temperatures soar. But hey, shouldn’t we be lessening our appearances during the summer months?

😷 Cold: You’d think so, but humans are always finding ways to invite us over, aren’t they? I mean, air conditioning can be a breeding ground for us.

😣 Throat Pain: And don’t forget those late-night ice cream runs! Nothing spells trouble for me like a double scoop of mint chocolate chip.

🤧 Cough: True, true. But hey, haven’t you noticed people taking extra precautions lately?

😷 Cold: Oh, you mean like wearing masks and sanitizing like there’s no tomorrow?

😣 Throat Pain: And let’s not forget about staying hydrated and eating immune-boosting foods!

🤧 Cough: Exactly! It’s like they’ve declared war on us. But hey, I can’t help but admire their determination to stay healthy.

😷 Cold: Agreed. But you know us, we’ll always find a way to sneak in when they least expect it.

😣 Throat Pain: That’s the spirit! But for now, let’s just enjoy this summer breeze before they come up with more ways to keep us at bay.

As the trio shares a hearty laugh, you by now watch humans pass by, armed with water bottles, hand sanitisers, and face masks, determined to beat the summer bugs.

#SummerWellness #HealthTips #StayHydrated #ImmuneBoosters #SunscreenSaves #BeatTheSneeze

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