25th December | Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas | December, 25

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This Christmas as you count your blessings sent to you by the Almighty, don’t forget to pray for those you aren’t able to partake in this wonderful celebration.

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Let us pray for world peace, safe breath out of pandemic and happy life for our fellow world citizens.

I wish you and your beloved ones a Merry Christmas!

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#25thDecember #MerryChristmas #XMas #Santaclause #Christmas, #merry, #festive, #Saint Nicholas, #Kris Kringle, #elves, #jolly, #reindeer, #gift, #presents, #fruitcake, #plumcake, #church, #chimney, #Jesus, #birth, #family, #candy, #pinecone, #Rudolph, #sleigh, #holiday, #kids, #love, #happiness, #joy