Addiction of Power | Poem | School of Thought

In the realm where strength entwines fate, A dance with power, a tempting mate.

A journey embarked, a thirst to sate, Yet, heed the whispers, the tales innate.

In the echoes of might, an addiction’s seed, A potent elixir, a compelling need.

It beckons, calls, a captivating creed, But remember my friend, where shadows breed.

Power, a symphony of light and shade, A force to wield, decisions to be made.

In its allure, destinies are swayed, Yet, be cautious, for debts are paid.

The grip tightens a relentless embrace, A delicate balance, a perilous chase.

A dance with shadows, a dangerous space, For power’s kiss leaves a lingering trace.

Fuelled by ambition, a fire within, Yet within its flames, where to begin?

The addiction grows, a perilous spin, Lost in the Maze, as echoes thin.

But ponder, dear seeker, in the silent hour, Is power a throne or a fragile flower?

To wield it wisely, not just to tower, For in its essence lies both bloom and dour.

So, tread with wisdom, let discernment guide, In power’s embrace, where shadows bide.

An addiction’s tale, on life’s thrilling tide, Navigate with care and let humility be your pride.

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